Their arrest by local authorities helped to invigorate the Albany Movement, which would later be regarded as one of the most significant developments of the civil rights era. The following December, a group of freedom riders traveled by train from Atlanta to Albany, Georgia to test the ruling. The first Freedom Ride took place in 1961 on an interstate bus from D.C. At the behest of the Kennedy Administration, the Interstate Commerce Commission issued an order on Novembanning segregation in all facilities under its jurisdiction. NovemFreedom Riders’ Mugshots The Freedom Riders were activists who made invaluable contributions to the progress of the civil rights movement in America by sitting illegally in segregated public transport. Although injuries prevented many of the original participants from continuing, activists from the Student Nonviolent Committee volunteered to ride in their place, and the reconstituted freedom riders traveled under federal protection to Mississippi where they were arrested and jailed. A mob of angry whites firebombed one of their buses outside the city of Anniston, and riders were severely beaten in Birmingham and Montgomery. EDT Theresa Ann Walker, widow of Wyatt Tee Walker, is shown in this mug shot when she was arrested as a Freedom Rider in Jackson, Miss., in 1961. Most of them were sent to the brutal Parchman Prison in Mississippi. They were arrested for protesting against segregation. The "Freedom Riders" traveled with limited difficulty through North Carolina, Georgia, and South Carolina, but encountered violent resistance in Alabama. Mugshots of civil rights activist Freedom Riders in Jackson, Mississippi during the summer of 1961. May 24, 1961: Twenty-seven Freedom Riders, headed for New Orleans, were arrested as soon as they arrived in the bus.
by bus to test local compliance throughout the Deep South with two Supreme Court rulings banning segregated accommodations on interstate buses and in bus terminals that served interstate routes. Lewis was wearing bandages from the beating he received in Montgomery, Alabama. On May 4, 1961, an interracial group of student activists under the auspices of the Congress of Racial Equality departed Washington D.C.